How to crack Motif Interview

It is mainly a day long process consisting of around 5 rounds.
1. Essay writing
It is offline test round in which you have to write essay. You have write essay on any one topic out of two options given to you.
Trick : Write essay in simple language and construct simple sentence. Most importantly avoid grammatical mistake.
Avoid overwriting.
Take your time and don't get panic. You can ask HR if you are facing any problem.

2. Logical test
It is again a offline test round in which you have to solve the logical reasoning question.
Trick :  To crack this round you must have good analytical ability. Your mathematics skills plays vital role here.
Refer for practice questions.
This is not  a time bounded round. Take your time and you will definably clear this round.

Note : If you have successfully clears the above two rounds then there is 70% chances that you are selected.

3. HR round
It is the face to face interview round in which he will ask you questions about your academics, qualification and etc.

Trick: Stay focused. Answer every question very frankly or honestly. And most important be confident.

4. E-commerce test and typing test

It is the online round in which you have write answer to the questions.
It is the most easy round in which you to write answer by searching in Google.
All the instructions were already written on the paper in which questions are there.
Trick : if you got stuck any where you can ask HR and they will definitely help you.
Advantage of this round you can have 2-3 retry if you failed in first attempt.

5. Final Senior HR Round

It is the final round in which ask you some same questions which ever been asked to you earlier. It is mainly stress interview. The HR would try to manipulate you.
Trick : Stay focused and do not revert your any answer and try to justify your answer and don't discuss any your future plans with them ( like further study, etc).
Just try to convince him that in any how condition you will work and say yes if they ask for signing any bond. (Actually there are no bonds ).

All the best.
If you want to ask something, comment below.

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