Choosing career perspective in India

Being an engineer, you will be having very high hopes about your job, salary and other dreams. But if you are a mechanical engineer and you are willing  to work in a core industry then it is too difficult to find the job.

Later if any how you are lucky and got the job. Then there is lot of struggle like you have to do field work. And the  main issue is that avg starting salary is too low as compared to IT sector.

The current scenario is so bad. Many engineers who were passed out from past 2-3 years not getting job.

Many people used to say that it is a evergreen branch and other stuff.
Those allegations are just fake.

So, in our suggestion please do not pursue mechanical engineering from any local college. The condition is so worse.

Although you are good in studies and got excellent grades. It may not change your situation and you have to struggle.

All the best.

Feel free to ask any question.

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