Beware of this less time money making scheme like Ebiz, Technobiz, qnet etc

Dear Friends,

The reason behind writing this post is that I saw that many of us highly qualified educated people were getting trapped into this.

Recently, I met one of our college teacher. She is highly qualified professor of our college. She left her job and started this business. After meeting her, I was shock that how she got trapped into this bullshit and also left her career to follow this.

Now she started convening others that they should also join this business and become economically independent.

Basically, What they used to tell you ?

Firstly they will ask about your dreams then How you will going to make it true ?
Ultimately, you will say that you need money to fulfill it.
Then they will tell about there business plan and its advantages. After that how can in just 1 year become millionaire.
In there language, economically independent.

After that they will show you that this business has exponential growth. And some figure of huge amount of money in just less time without any hard work.
You just have to convince some other people to join this and with that referrals as any of them join the business you will get benefit.

The most important is that they will show the branded accessories like watch, sunglasses, etc that they are having and tell you that with the help of this business they owned it.
I don't think so this is just a market strategy to make you fool.

This is a 1-2 hours lecture or I'll say torture by any of whom who is your  friend or relatives. In my opinion, please don't get trapped into this.

Please Use your brain. There is no such thing other than hard work. This just a waste of time and making fool to you're self and your love one's.

There is still so many points that I'll have to say but I am making this post short.

If you have to ask anything then comment below I'll clear your doubt.

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