ENG_4_403 Design and Practice

Task 1: Problem clarification and critical evaluation DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE WEB.
1A) Choose an existing engineering design, tool or process. This must relate to your engineering discipline. Consider your engineering disciplines and the typical engineering designs, tools or processes utilised in the industry. Write a detailed paragraph stating why this has been chosen.
1B) Research a brief history of the chosen engineering design. Write this in your own words and reference the original sources using the Harvard style of referencing.
1C) Describe the form and function using appropriate engineering terminology. Discuss why the current design was designed the way it was. Comment on aspects relating to the sustainability of the design.
1D) Carry out a detailed SWOT Analysis for your chosen engineering design. List the:
• Strengths (list things that can be built on further in possible extreme redesigns)
• Weaknesses (list things that are inadequate and require addressing)
• Opportunities (list areas that have the potential for improvement)
• Threats (list any technologies, competitors that threaten the future of the engineering design)

Task 2: Follow a design method to generate ideas
2A) Describe the design method that you carried out to generate lots of ideas.
For example: Brainstorming, Scamper or Mind-mapping.
Briefly discuss why the method is beneficial to engineers when they are solving problems.
2B) Provide detailed evidence of the design method that you have used to think of ideas.
Students should aim for 20+ ideas.
2C) Write a short summary of the design process: What are the top 2 ideas chosen that will be drawn for 
Task 3, and why were they shortlisted?
Design and Practice, ENG_4_403 A Corso, 2020
Hint: Lecture notes in the following location on the VLE may help: Design Projects ➔ Class Projects 4 ➔ ‘DandP Class Projects 4 (Generating Ideas)’.
If you are stuck for ideas, the following questions may help you to develop an idea:
How can I improve the Efficiency?
How can I improve the Accuracy?
How can I reduce the Power consumption?
Can I improve the Sustainability of the design?
How can I reduce the Cost?
Can I use better Materials?
Can I make servicing/maintenance easier?
Can I improve the Safety?
Can I improve its Future proofing?
Can I improve the Ease of handling?
Can I increase the Accessibility? (to a wider range of target user e.g. the elderly or disabled)
Considering all these questions, how else can I improve the design?
Task 3: Develop a range of ideas
3A) Produce two hand-drawn design improvements (sketches). Each sketch must:
a) Be numbered and have a title
b) Include a typed description above it
c) Include hand written annotations
d) Be presented professionally
3B) Produce two CAD models of the designs using Autodesk Fusion 360.
Hint: Lecture notes in the CAD location on the VLE may help. Also consider using linkedin.com/learning.

Task 4: Select a Final Design
4A) Use a Concept Selection method to select a final design.
4B) Discuss and summarise the reasons why the idea was chosen.
Hint: Lecture notes in Design Projects ➔ Design Project 1 ➔ ‘DandP Lecture (Concept Selection in Engineering)’ may help.
1. A single report document (Arial 11 point or equivalent, single line spacing, normal margins).
Complete a well-structured short report. Include the following:
2. Reasons for choosing the engineering design, its history, and a critical evaluation (Task 1).
3. Evidence of the design method(s) used to aid the idea generation process (Task 2).
4. A range of drawings (hand drawn and CAD) that are clearly labelled (Task 3).
The drawings must be inserted into the digital copy of the report, and must be clear.
Unclear drawings or screenshots will be marked down.
5. An appropriate concept selection method which determines a final design (Task 4).
Advice: To avoid plagiarism DO NOT copy information from other sources without referencing it correctly. Refer to the Plagiarism HS4 Document on the VLE (in: Harvard Referencing and Plagiarism folder).
Learning Outcome
Marking criteria
To evaluate an existing Engineering tool (or process equipment) and think creatively to overcome open ended problems.
A well thought through explanation of a tool / process and an extensive exploration of a range of improvements.
To be able to use techniques such as brainstorming, mind-mapping or other design methods.
Clear evidence of innovative solutions having been developed using appropriate innovatory techniques.
To be able to communicate ideas during the design development stage by hand drawing and using Computer-Aided Design.
Drawings which clearly portray the ideas developed.
To condense a range of potential development areas through sound rationale and elimination.
Choice of a suitable final design, demonstrating clear reasoning behind the choice.







Design and Practice – Coursework
























Table of contents



Page No.

Task 1


Introduction of Chosen engineering design



Brief History about the Valves



Engineering Terminology of Valve



S.W.O.T Analysis


Task 2


Brief on Design Method









Evidence of Design Method



Design Process


Task 3


Design Improvements



CAD models


Task 4


Concept Selection Method



Pugh concept selections



Design Selections



Determining Criteria

















1.     Introduction of Chosen engineering design

The most ultimate reason of selecting valves as a project topic is its application. it's almost used everywhere right from industry to household. Valves serve a spread of purposes within the industrial, engineering, manufacturing and scientific communities. Selecting the proper valve can determine the success or failure of the system or process. the most purpose of a valve is to manage media flow through a system. The valve is also wont to start, stop, or throttle the flow to confirm safe and efficient operation of the method.

Valves won't be the foremost glamorous piece of kit during a chemical process industries (CPI) facility, but no plant can function without them. additionally, multiple challenges and issues specific to the chemical processing industry affect valves and valve performance. The valves often operate through the employment of signals that are programmed to possess a bunch point for a predetermined process variable. Because the utilization of chemicals, especially hazardous ones, is such a particular process, the control valve must often perform to exacting standards. They are generally controlled electronically, hydraulically, pneumatically, and even in some cases, manually by trained operators. The valves are wont to add a controlled dosage of chemicals to a different set at certain levels and under certain circumstances.

In many chemical processing applications, control valves must operate in extremely harsh environments. The valves are designed to handle brutal acidic, corrosive, abrasive, and other hazardous conditions and should be required to satisfy or exceed ASME B16.34 or related specifications.

It is also essential that these valves are well constructed and perform as intended so as to make sure a smooth operational process, avoid damage to surrounding equipment from leakage, and most important, to keep hazardous media within the system and safeguard the safety of personnel.

2.     Brief History about the Valves

Since the Ancient times, the men knew how to regulate water, either with stones or branches and trunks from the trees. Egyptians, Greeks and other cultures were able to drive the water from rivers and fountains for public use or irrigation. But the Romans were the real developers of canal systems. They bring water form fountains and rivers to the villages, sometimes at long distances and saving important obstacles by means of aqueducts.[ Enzo Fabio y Luca Fassitelli.]

The valves were plug or stopcock type, made in bronze, nowadays ASTM B-67. This material was well known by the master of the "Collegia Fabrorum". It was rich in lead, no cracked, anti-corrosive, ductile, able to weld to the pipes of bronze or lead and good friction properties which facilitated the rotation of the plug.[ Enzo Fabio y Luca Fassitelli.]

The parts of the valve were a body, a holed plug, a bottom, and a long levy for turning the plug. Sometimes a pin was forced with a hammer into the valve, and then the plug could turn but not be removed. That was a way to avoid taking out the plug for defrauding water which seemed to be a widespread practice at these times as some holes found in the inlet of the valves. [Enzo Fabio y Luca Fassitelli.]

At several Mediterranean towns were found small valves, all of them had similar design, such as in Rabat, Djemila, Istambul, Avarches, Augusta (where there was also found butterfly valves as taps) and Naples (were the plugs were cylindric). [Enzo Fabio y Luca Fassitelli.]

Romans used a primitive diaphragm valve, made of crude leather that was manually closed over a weir, to control flow and temperature of household bath water.

There is also evidence of the use of angular valves, mixing valves and also check valves for avoiding back flow.

During the middle Ages there were not any very important designing progresses. It was during the Renaissance when the construction of canals, irrigation systems and other hydraulic works included more sophistificated valves. Leonardo Da Vinci left good samples in his sketches. [Enzo Fabio y Luca Fassitelli].

The modern history of the valve industry starts with the Industrial Revolution. At 1705 Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam machine. It needed valves able to keep and regulate the steam at high pressure. As new inventors as James Watt created new machines, they also improve the design of the valves. But it was until many years later when the production of valves was at great scale, independently of particular project. [Enzo Fabio y Luca Fassitelli.]

3.     Engineering Terminology of Valve

As there are many kinds of valves such as gate, globe and check valves. Some of the components are commonly used in all of them like body, disc/wedge, stem, etc. From now onwards we will be discussing mainly about the gate valves. Its components, design aspects, calculations and API standards.

A gate valve or sluice valve, as it is sometimes known, is a valve that opens by lifting a round or rectangular gate/wedge out of the path of the fluid. A gate valve is used to control the flow of volatile, often toxic, liquids and gases and keep them from being emitted into the atmosphere or spilled on the ground or into the water. A gate valves are sometimes used for regulating flow, but many are not suited for that purpose, having been designed to be fully opened or closed.            

A gate valve controls system or process fluid flow and pressure by performing any functions such as stopping and starting fluid flow, varying (throttling) the amount of fluid flow, controlling the direction of fluid flow, regulating downstream system or process pressure. The basic parts of expanding gate valve assembly with the constructional detail shown in fig.1 are explained as below: 

Fig.1: Sectional view of Gate Valve

Valve body: An expanding gate valve is a Bi-directional valve i.e. they can be used for flow of fluid from either directions. However, it is preferable that it should be installed such that flow is directed towards the minor segment. The valves can be made of carbon and alloyed steel using gravity casting method.  

Major & minor gate segment (Expanding gate): An expanding gate valve with steel bodies and bonnets comprises of two gate segments, referred to as major gate and minor gate segment, are confined by the seats and gate guides such that they can move in vertical direction only. The expanding gate design provides a tight mechanical seal which is normally unaffected by pressure variations.

Spring with pin: The major (driving) gate segment is connected by thread to the operating stem. The minor (driven) gate segment nests to the major segment on a biangular surface and they are held together by leaf springs on each side.

Seat assembly: Gate valve is equipped with removable seats which are fitted into the valve body. The seats along with teflon coating are press fit into the body to affect a metal-tometal body-seat seal.

Stem: Gate valves are characterized as having either a rising or a non rising stem. Rising stems provide a visual indication of valve position because the stem is attached to the gate such that the gate and stem rise and lower together as the valve is operated.

Bonnet with bearing box: Bonnets provide leak proof closure for the valve body. Gate valves may have a screw-in, union, or bolted bonnet. Screw-in bonnet is the simplest, offering a durable, pressure-tight seal. Union bonnet is suitable for applications requiring frequent inspection and cleaning. It also gives the body added strength. Bolted bonnet is used for larger valves & higher pressure applications.

Hand wheel: The hand wheel operated gate valve is closed by turning the hand wheel in the clockwise direction and opened by turning the hand wheel in the counter clockwise direction.

  1. S.W.O.T Analysis

4.1 Strengths

       They provide leak-proof service,

       Open and close quickly,

       Compared to globe valves, they have very small dimensions,

       Compared to globe valves, they are lighter,

       The multi-designed flexibility does not exist in the  other valves, and hence it lowers the amount of valves needed,

       These valves are manufactured in different sizes and shapes providing flexibility in selection,

       The high quality valves provide safe service under high temperature and high pressure conditions, and

       Compared to other valves, they are controlled with less force.

4.2 Weakness

       The position of the valve handle is rotated,

       Could not be used for throttling, and

       These valves with drive mechanism should be installed upright.

4.3 Opportunities

·        The double block and bleed valve can replace existing ball valves.

4.4 Threats

·        The only threat to ball valves is the automation in the actuation process


  1. Brief on design method

Design methods are systematic techniques that “attempt to bring rational procedures into the design process” [Cross 2000]. They encourage and enable to think beyond the first idea or value judgments that comes to an engineer’s head [Cross 2000], and allow team mates to externalize their thoughts todiscuss them and integrate them in a whole.  They are not modeling tools that require a pre-conception of what to represent, they are the actual techniques to come up with the concept of what must be designed and how to realize it [Killander 2001].  The  design  methods  generated  in  the  field of   engineering   design   are   mostly   domain-independent,   in   contrast   to   the   domain-dependent analytical  methods  of  traditional  design  [Rohatinsky  2001].  Most  design  methods  do  not  highlight any attribute of the concept, quite the opposite they promote the development of consistent concepts that  behave  well  with  respect  the  whole  set  of  objectives.  To  gain  a  comprehensive  overview  of existing  design  methods  descriptions  and  examples  of  their  use  can  be  found  in  sources,  such  as,[Pugh 1991, Jones 1992, Roozenburg & Eekels 1995, Pahl & Beitz 1996, Cross 2000].

“Ideation is that the mode of the look process during which you think about idea generation. The main aim of the Ideation stage is to use creativity and innovation so as to develop solutions. By expanding the answer space, the look teams are ready to look beyond the standard methods of solving problems so as to seek out better, more elegant, and satisfying solutions to problems that affect a user's experience of a product.

In the Design Thinking process, the Ideation stage often follows the primary two stages, which are the empathize stage and define stage. there's a big overlap between the Define and Ideation stages of a typical Design Thinking process. Interpreting information and defining the problem(s) and ideation both drive the generation of problem solutions. This overlap is represented within the varieties of methods design teams employ during these two stages. for instance, Body storm and “How Might We” questions are often employed in both of those stages.

Ideation Will Help You:

l  Ask the right questions and innovate.

l  Step beyond the obvious solutions and therefore increase the innovation potential of your solution.

l  Bring together perspectives and strengths of team members.

l  Uncover unexpected areas of innovation.

l  Create volume and variety in your innovation options.

l  Get obvious solutions out of your heads, and drive your team beyond them.

5.1 Brainstorming

At its most simple level, a Brainstorm session involves sprouting related points from a central idea. Brainstorming is one in every of the first methods employed during the Ideation stage of a typical Design Thinking process. Brainstorming could be a good way to get many ideas by leveraging the collective thinking of the group, by engaging with one another, listening, and building on other ideas. This method involves that specialize in one problem or challenge at a time, while team members ride each other’s responses and ideas with the aim of generating as many potential solutions as possible. These can then be refined and narrowed right down to the simplest solution(s). Participants must then select the simplest, the foremost practical, or the foremost innovative ideas from the choices they’ve come up with.

We’ve summarized the simplest practices and brain storming rules from the Institute of Design at Stanford (d.school) and also the successful design company, IDEO who celebrates Design Thinking.

1.       Set a time limit

2.       Start with an issue statement, point of view, possible questions, a plan, or a goal and stay focused on the topic: Identify the core subject or the most aim of the exercise. for instance, what are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to boost a particular feature? Are you specializing in ways to boost the general experience? Condense the most issue into an issue statement and condense it into a brief “How Might We” sentence. you will even be able to synthesis this into single word. Your ideas should branch far from this central headline. continue Topic: it's easy to veer off and take many different directions during brainstorming sessions, especially after you try to be open-minded and unconstrained in your efforts to return up with ideas. it's important that members continue topic. Focus is essential; otherwise, the method can become confusing, or ideas can become muddled and cross between solutions for other problems. Every effort should be made by the facilitator to stay members on the central theme and goal. you would possibly even want to designate a selected brain stormer to keep up the thread and stop team members veering astray.

3.       Defer judgment or criticism, including non-verbal: The brainstorming environment isn't the time to argue or for questioning other members’ ideas; each member includes a responsibility to foster relations that advance the session. For this reason, judgment comes later so rather than blocking an idea, you and your other team members are encouraged to come up with your own ideas that sprout off from those provided by the other members of your team.

4.       Encourage weird, wacky and wild ideas: once more, as brainstorming could be a creation, each member should attempt to encourage other members and make an environment during which they feel comfortable verbalizing their ideas. Free thinking may produce some ideas that are wide off the mark, but brainstorming is about drawing up as many ideas as possible which are then whittled down until the simplest possible option remains.

5.       Aim for quantity: Brainstorming is effectively an imaginative exercise, within which design thinkers are encouraged to let their imaginations run wild. The stress is on quantity, instead of quality at this stage.

6.       Rely on each others' ideas: Typically, one persons idea leads to another persons idea by considering the thoughts, opinions, and ideas of other team members during the brainstorming session, new insights and perspectives could even be achieved, which then inform one's own ideas. Thus, the team will still build ideas which hopefully become progressively more refined and targeted towards the central issue.

7.       Be visual: The physical act of writing something down or drawing a picture so as to bring a concept to life can help people dream up new ideas or view the identical ideas in several way. The brainstorming session is more likely to evolve if team members visualize and produce ideas to life instead of depend upon discussion alone.

8.       One conversation at a time: Design thinkers (or brainstormers) should focus on one point or conversation at a time so as not to muddy their thinking and lose sight of the thread or current objective.

5.2  Benefits of Brainstorming

Not without reason brainstorming is such a well-liked method. If done correctly, it promises great benefits:

1.               A brainstorming session is usually the pis aller when other techniques and methods don't deliver the specified solutions.

2.               There are only some basic rules to follow. These are easy to find out and perform.

3.               Additionally, the prices for a brainstorming session are very low in regard to the output.

4.               The largest advantage is that the    amount of generated ideas. At best, engineers with different knowledge and different experiences move. they create together various ideas and suggestions. Sometimes “non-professionals” have the simplest and ideas and encourage the expert with their unusual ideas.

5.               This manner you reach people with whom you'd otherwise never inherit contact.

6.               Because the ideas don't seem to be criticized or rejected during a brainstorming session, interesting proposals will be refined gradually. The engineers of the brainstorming build their solutions on the ideas of others, “think them up” and improve them.

7.               Finally, joint brainstorming improves the working atmosphere. Working creatively motivates engineers. The solutions found are generally more accepted by the team and can be implemented with more support within the organization..



6.     Evidence of Design methods

After the detailed learning of design methods some charts have been made. With the help of brainstorming certain ideas have been generated. While doing this the help of some experts of valve division, oil-gas industry personnel’s and other industrial pioneers have been taken. Based upon the outcomes came in brainstorming activity mainly two kinds of evidences have been made. The first one is general for the valves based upon its uses and covering area. While second one is a brief about the gate valve and its components along with rough sketches of the components.

Fig2. Brainstorming evidence of valves


Fig3. Brainstorming evidences of gate valves components

  1. Design Process

The engineering design process could be a series of steps that engineers follow to return up with an answer to an issue. Over and over the answer involves designing a product (like a machine or computer code) that meets certain criteria and/or accomplishes a particular task. This process is different from the Steps of the methodology, which you'll be more at home with. If your project involves making observations and doing experiments, you ought to probably follow the methodology. If your project involves designing, building, and testing something, you ought to probably follow the Engineering Design Process.

The defining of problem in the gate valve has been done by using brainstorming technique. Later discussing with the expert in the field of valves and oil-gas industry, certain research work has been carried out. With the help of research papers and other thesis, the bottle-necking in the design of gate have been identified. After that the evaluation of the proposed changes done. Then the new design is sent for the validation. The validation is carried out using some simulation software defining all the boundary conditions. Once the proposed design is validated then the prototype will be made. The trials will be run on the prototype and results will be obtained. If everything goes as per the plan, then the new design adapted for regular manufacturing.

  1. Design Improvements

Gate valves are the mostly used as shut off valves in the industries. Gates valves are used where minimum pressure drop & bi-directional on-off service is required. From the above brainstorming data and discussion with the experts, the further working have been done on two main components of the gate valve. The body and seat ring to improve the performance and reduction in weight.


Flexible wedge, outside screw & yoke, bolted bonnet Design, flanged End.

Design Standards:-

API 600


Face to Face Dims: - 178mm (As Per ASME B16.10 STD.)

Bore Dia:-50.8mm (As Per API 600)

Fig4. Wedge and seat ring diagram

The bottom end of the left side of wedge slant line is 3.5 deg because of that seat leak problem arises due to this if we taken a slant line is 5 deg the seat leak and fouling problem will not occur.

  1. CAD models

The CAD modeling has been done with the help of Autodesk Fusion 360 based upon the previously made designs. The wall thickness has been reduced as per the trial error method. Later, cross checking the valves for the leakage by simulations.



Fig5. CAD model of Body


Fig4. CAD model of Wedge

  1. Concept Selection method

After going through the concept generation process like brainstorming, I have a long list of creative ideas. For deciding which idea I have to further pursue. So decision-making structure I am approaching towards Pugh Concept Selection method.


10.1 Pugh Concept Selections

The Pugh concept selection method doesn't aim to pick out the simplest concept, but to develop the simplest concept. Most of the time, there's not one superior concept, but each with strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the Pugh concept selection combines and improves concepts by removing bad features and mixing only the simplest ones.

The Pugh concept selection method aims to travel from specification to concept. It emphasizes thought convergent by selecting among options and divergent by synthesizing new options. When performing Pugh, it's best to figure in teams and with a workspace that enables for plenty of sketching and discussion. While there should be a minimum of three concepts to check amongst, they are doing not always should be variants of the identical concept. Pugh may be accustomed compare completely different concepts on their appropriateness as a project.


10.2 Design Selection

This section outlines a way to execute the Pugh Concept Selection. Firstly, prepare the choice matrix with design concepts on the highest row.

·        Prepare the selection parameters with design concepts or ideas on top row and criteria on the leftmost column in the table.

·        Select the “best” concept to beat competitors.

·        Rate each concept against the choice criteria relative to the neutral

·        Use the key 0 = same + = Better - = Worse

·        Search data from external source like spec sheets or ask an expert.

·        Build a prototype and test!

·        Rank concepts

·        Combine and improve concept

·        Select one or more

·        Reflect on results and process








Weight reduction




Ease in operation




Manufacturing Ease




Labor cost




Customer satisfaction




Quality enhancement








Ease of fluid flow






























Table 1 - Pugh Selection Matrix for gate valve



10.3 Determining Criteria

·        Customer/need related

·        Technical/performance related

·        Process/enterprise related

·        Low manufacturing cost

·        Short time to market

·        Time/cost of development


  1. Summary

A detailed design process and methods have been learned and used for carrying out the ideas. The design method and its techniques help to generate the level of thinking and approach towards any process, or engineering design. There are several factors affecting the design of any process and components. Most important thing is to generate the optimum results from the new implementations. Out of the several ideas, the two important ideas where concentrated for the improvement in the performances of the gate valves. The first one is reducing wall thickness of body and second one is changing the angle of wedge.The Design of the gate valve should be compact to minimize the cost of the valve and the degree of the wedge will take 5 deg instead of 3.5 deg because of that the wear travel will be proper, seat leak and fouling problem will not occur.

  1. References

1.               Togliard- "Rome engineering and industry" - Enzo Fabio y Luca Fassitelli. Ed. Petrolieri d'Italia.

2.               Merati, P.; Macelt, M.J.; and Erickson, R.B. (2001). Flow investigation around a V-sector ball valve. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 123(3), 662-671.

3.               Huang, C.; and Kim, R.H. (1996). Three-dimensional analysis of partially open butterfly valve flows. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 118(3), 562-568.

4.               Miller, H.L.; and Stratton, L.R. (1997). Fluid kinetic energy as selection criteria for control valves. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, ASME FED-301, 22-26.

5.               Chern, M.-J.; and Wang, C.-C. (2004). Control of volumetric flow-rate of ball valve using V-port. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 126(3), 471-481.

6.               Yakhot, V.; Orszag, S.A.; Thangam, S.; Gatski, T.B.; and Speziale, C.G. (1992). Development of turbulence models for shear flows by a double expansion technique. Physics of Fluids A, 4, 1510-1520.

7.               Dae-woong kim,Sun-Geun Park,Sin-Cheul Kang,Yang-Suk Kim “A study on the phenomenon of rate of loading in motor operated gate valves” Nuclear Engineering & Design 240 (2010) pp 957–962

8.               Piotr Duda,Dawid Rzasa “Numerical method for determining allowable medium temperature during operation of steam gate valve” Mechanics and control,Vol 29 No.3 (2010) pp 102-109.

9.               Pravin Narale, Prof.P.S.Kahare “Structural analysis of Nozzle attachment on pressure vessel design”,International journal of engineering research and applications,Vol.02, Issue 4, july-August.

10.            Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T., Pirlot, M., Perny, P., Tsouldas, A., Vincke, P. (2000) "Evaluation and decision models. A critical perspective". Kluwer's International Series. Boston, London, Dordrecht.

11.            Lopez- Mesa, B., Thompson G., Williander M. (2002) "Managing uncertainty in the design and development process by appropriate methods selection". Proceedings of the International Design Conference — Design 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 829-836.

12.            Killander, A.J. (2001) "Why design methodologies are difficult to implement", Int. J. Technology Management, Vol. 21, Nos. 3/4, pp. 271-276. Killander, A.J. (2001) "Why design methodologies are difficult to implement", Int. J.  Technology Management, Vol. 21, Nos. 3/4, pp. 271-276.

13.            LOpez-Mesa, B., Thompson G. (2002) "The application of the 4Ps model to the management of creativity & innovation in product development". Proceedings of the 411 International Product Development Management (IPDM) Conference, Sophia Antipolis, France, pp. 587-601.

14.            Pulm, U., Lindemann, U. (2002) "Towards a flexible and adequate use of methods in product development". Proceedings of the International Design Conference — Design 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 229-234. –

15.            Ritzen, S., Lindahl, M. (2001), "Selection and implementation — Key activities to successful use of EcoDesign tools", Proceedings of EcoDesign 2001, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 174-179.

16.            Birkhofer, H., Lindemann, U., Albers, A., Meier, M. (2001), "Product development as a structured and interactive network of knowledge — a revolutionary approach", Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED01, Glasgow.

17.            Lindemann, U. (2002), "Flexible adaptation of methods within the design process", Proceedings of the International Design Conference — Design 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 81-86.

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